In the fascinating and evocative hamlet of Groppo di Riolunato there is the Church of the Emigrant, a modern church but with a very interesting history.

Perhaps you will have happened to see from afar, traveling along the road from Montecreto to Riolunato, the bell tower of a church that stands out modernly among the vegetation.

Photo G. Pasquesi

This is the bell tower of the Church of the Emigrant of Groppo dedicated to Saint Frances Saverio Cabrini.

The history

The Church of the Emigrant dates back to 2009 and originated from the millionaire inheritance left by the Italian-American Cristoforo Ennio Migliori, born in the Frignano village of Lagastrini in 1929, raised in Groppo di Riolunato from where he emigrated to the United States in 1962, making his fortune in California with a marble processing company thanks to an innovative technical process.

He died in 2001, leaving about six million dollars to his hometown, for the cemetery chapel and church (with the characteristic copper dome) since then dedicated to all our emigrants.

cristoforo ennio migliori

The architecture

The designer in charge, the architect. Sergio Macchitelli made use of the collaboration of the architect already in the design phase. Giovanni Ronchi, the sculptor Davide Scarabelli and the liturgist Don Silvano Sirboni.

The building symbolizes a “sepulchre” which, through the resurrection, (symbolically represented by the octagonal pyramid) is shattered. Divine omnipotence therefore breaks the covering of the church. The symbolism of the octagon has always been used to recall “the eighth day”, the day of resurrection.
This strong sign that reaches out from the earth towards the sky was also inspired by the presence of a large fir tree planted in the center of the cemetery, whose roots were breaking and lifting the tombs; through its trunk and branches it stood tall as if to explain and symbolize man’s tension towards heaven, the longing for resurrection.
chiesa degli emigranti groppo
In the churchyard adjacent to the surrounding wall of the current cemetery, from which it is possible to enjoy a beautiful view towards Monte Cimone, there is the entrance to the church which takes place through a short but significant corridor which is purposely dimly lit.
This path will allow you to reach the place of God’s grace, that is, the actual hall, where you will physically find yourself in a much brighter environment which has the altar as its fulcrum, the destination of the journey, the place of communion, the table of sacrifice.
From the point of view of the internal space it wraps around the altar, the ambo and the celebrating community; it is these presences, with their own rites and movements from which the forms and spaces of the church originate and develop.
The liturgical furnishings (altar, ambo, seat of the president of the assembly, tabernacle for the custody of the Eucharist and glorious cross) were created by the sculptor Davide Scarabelli, who was inspired by the experience of Cristoforo Ennio Migliori to create some works.

The sculpture park

Next to the church there is a park with stone sculptures dedicated to those who left their Italian homeland to look for work abroad while remaining very attached to their native Apennine villages.

parco sculture groppo
Foto G. Pasquesi

How to visit it

The Church is usually closed except for special occasions or initiatives. To visit it you need to contact the Municipality of Riolunato.